Quilt - restoring your village in motherhood

Find quality, evidence-based doulas for continuous support in your motherhood journey.

Where you can get support and answers for:

  • newborn feeding and sleep

  • emotional and practical support

  • light housework /nourishing food

  • birth debrief and /or support to rest

    Feel heard, supported, and empowered every step of the way.

Light housework

Let us take care of the tidying up and those small jobs that feel “hard,” so you can focus on what matters most. We’ll keep your space feeling calm and nurturing.

Meals & food prep

We’ll ensure you’re eating densely nutritious meals and snacks without the stress of planning or cooking.

Your wellbeing

Postpartum is a time of transformation. Whether you need someone to talk to, or some company, our Kindr people are here to see and hear you.